Airport taxi Lech
You can travel to Lech quickly and easily by taxi
You need a transfer to Lech/Zurs am Arlberg? Taxi Munich Airport Lech/Zurs – Here you can find a taxi for your journey to & from Munich airport. The ride between airport Munich and Lech/Zurs by taxi: From airport on the motorway 92, direction Munchen city, Austria, Innsbruck, direction Bregenz, Bludenz, exit St. Anton am Arlberg direction St. Christoph, Arlbergpass, Zurs, Lech am Arlberg.
Taxi Munich Airport Lech/Zurs at a glance
Distance: Airport Munich–Lech/Zurs–approx. 300 Km
Driving time: Airport Munich–Lech approx. 4 hours, depends largely on weather and traffic conditions.
Taxi price: From Airport Munich to Lech/Zurs / one way / per taxi. Maximum 8 pessengers in one minibus taxi:
* 1 – 3 persons: 490 €
* 4 – 8 persons: 540 €
Whether you require a taxi transfer from Munich Airport to Lech/Zurs am Arlberg, or from Lech/Zurs to Munich airport – with us your ski vacation begins in the taxi. Fill out the booking form on this website and book your Taxi Munich Airport Lech/Zurs now!
Info Munich Airport
Nordallee 25
85356 München-Flughafen
Phone: +49 89 975-00
Fax: +49 89 975-5 79 06